Baking Soda for Dry Cracked Feet


Cracked and dry feet are a sign of lack of attention towards your body. The skin of our feet becomes drier because there are no glands that have oil present in the foot. This dryness on feet causes the skin to crack. Overexposure to pollution, lack of moisture, and other medical conditions such as diabetes, eczema, psoriasis, and thyroid lead to cracked and dry feet. Cracked feet are painful and look unpleasant as well. Everyone desires to have a quick solution to this feet problem. In this manner, using baking soda is very effective. We have an easy home remedy that will instantly bring the cure to your dry feet and make them soft and smooth.

Baking Soda for Dry Cracked Feet

Baking Soda to Treat Cracked Feet:

This natural ingredient is commonly used to exfoliate. It soothes the skin and removes dead cells as it possesses anti-inflammatory properties. It also has healing properties that start works in healing the cracked skin of the feet.

Things we will need + Method:

  • Baking soda 3 tablespoons
  • Warm water
  • Pumice stone
  • A bucket

Direction to use:

  • Take the bucket and fill 2/3rds of it with warm water and add the baking soda in it. Mix it well until the baking soda completely dissolves in the water.
  • Simply soak your feet in this solution for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Now remove your feet from the soak solution and gently scrub it with the pumice stone to clean all the dead skin cells and remaining dirt. Pay special attention to the heels of your feet. As they are mostly damaged and have rough patches on them.
  • Rinse your feet with clean water.
  • Pat dry and apply your regular moisturizer.
  • You can easily repeat the same process twice a week.
  • This home remedy will give you, your desired results for soft and smooth skin in just a couple of days.
  • Note: Take the healthy diet that contains vitamins, proteins, and fibers in it. It will make your dry skin shinier and healthy.

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