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Baking Soda on Poison Ivy Burns
Poison Oak is a plant that has harsh effects on many people. It develops allergy and rash when exposed to it. There are almost half of the population in the United States that faces allergic problems because of this plant. Itching, redness,…
Baking Soda for Hair Good or Bad
Baking soda is a natural product that is used for various household purposes. You can use it for cleaning the house, for beautiful skin and shining hair as well. But are you aware of the fact that baking soda is really good for your hair?…
Baking Soda Remedy to Quit Smoking
Smoking is a bad and a very unhealthy habit that seriously imperils human health. The smoke of cigarette contains a large number of carcinogens in it. There is no doubt that these carcinogens are harmful to the smoker, but also to others…
Baking Soda for Dry Cracked Feet
Cracked and dry feet are a sign of lack of attention towards your body. The skin of our feet becomes drier because there are no glands that have oil present in the foot. This dryness on feet causes the skin to crack. Overexposure to…
Baking Soda for Mold and Mildew
Mildew and mold are the natural byproducts of the humid environment. These byproducts on the interior walls and surfaces of the house dull the entire beauty of the house as well as it affects badly on the health of the family. But Now you…
Uses for Vinegar and Baking Soda
Baking soda and vinegar both are the natural kitchen staples with many household uses. One of it is based and another one is acid. These are inexpensive and easily available all around the world. Both of them delivers a variety of uses when…
Baking Soda and Milk For Face and Skin
Baking soda is a natural ingredient that you will love to use in making yummy treats and desserts. But this amazing kitchen staple also provides us with countless uses in term of beautiful skin and the beauty of the face. On the other hand,…
Baking Soda on Mattress for Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are small, brownish, oval-shaped insects that live on the blood of human and animals. They mostly hide in the mattress of the bed and usually active at nights. They feed on our blood by piercing our skin through an elongated beak.…
Baking Soda Meat Tenderizer
Simply soaking the meat in a solution of water and baking soda and increases the pH on the meat. That makes it more difficult for the proteins to bond greatly, that keeps it's moist and tender when it’s cooked. There are different meat…
Baking Soda and Honey for Whitening
Every girl desires to have a gorgeous and flawless skin but there are due to many reasons that appear as hurdles like pollution, scars, aging, poor diet, sunrays, dry skin, freckles, or rashes, allergies etc. These all simply increases the…