Baking Soda for Kidney Stones and Infection


Some layers of mineral salt or the organic substances form of solid masses in the kidneys and are known as kidney stones. These hard stones are developed acids that mostly riddled through a kidney and pass away from urine. Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda is one of the effective natural home remedies for the proper treatment of kidney stones as it dissolves in them and passes out these hard stones without causing any pain in the body. It is also helpful in boosting the overall health as it balances the pH of the body. Here is the simple description that how baking soda works in removing kidney stones?

Baking Soda for Kidney Stones and Infection

Have a look at these:

  • Baking soda alkalizes the urine to dissolve the uric acid stones that jammed in the narrow renal tubes that connects kidneys with the bladder.
  • Everyone knows that kidneys are sensitive to the delicate balance of urine acidity and ionic constituents. So if there is too much acid in your urine it will lead to the formation of kidney stones but baking soda works effectively in restoring the normal pH balance for the healthy functioning of the kidneys
  • Baking soda is also useful for the proper digestion of food.

Baking Soda for Kidney Stones:

Here we are going to provide you some of the best baking soda methods that you can easily use to clear painful kidney stones and also effective in the prevention to its recurrence in future.

 Lukewarm Water and Baking Soda for Kidney Stones:

Baking soda works in lowering the level of acid in urine to dissolve these hard stones to a size of coarse sand and pass it away.

Things we will need + Method:

  • Take 10 oz. of lukewarm water in a glass and add 1 tablespoon of baking soda in it.
  • Stir it well until it completely dissolves in water
  •  Drink this baking soda drink immediately to get relief from the pain.
  • You can simply continue drinking this prepared water for 3-4 times daily until you find that there is no more stone in your kidney.

Apple Cider Vinegar with Baking Soda for Kidney Stones:

Apple cider vinegar cleans the internal system and flushes out the stones and toxins from the kidneys while baking soda alkalizes the system to remove acidic nature. This treatment method helps to cure kidney stones and also effective in the prevention of its recurrence in the future.

  • Take 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar and add 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda in it.
  • Stir it well until it completely combined in a glass of water till the fizz disappears.
  • Drink this baking soda drink immediately to get relief from the pain.
  • You can simply continue drinking this prepared water for 3-4 times daily until you find that there is no more stone in your kidney.
  • It will be better to add some amount of raw honey in the prepared solution that it will also help out to make the removal of kidney stones easy for you without causing any pain or side effect.

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