Baking Soda Carpet Cleaner Recipe

A homemade baking soda carpet cleaner will help to revitalize and in freshening the carpets of your home.  The amazing fact is that it is the inexpensive solution to make your house looks neat and clean. It is best to get rid of all the bad…

Baking Soda and Bleach For Mold

Mold on the interior walls and surfaces of the house dull the entire beauty of the house as well as it affects badly on the health of the family. But Now you can easily remove mold from the walls of your house by using an effective paste…

Baking Soda Dangers and Side Effects

Baking Soda (Sodium bicarbonate) is the generic name for a drug that is commonly used to treat the upset stomach caused by irritation from acid reflux. Baking soda is available in tablet form and it is also sold in combination with…

Coconut Oil and Baking Soda for Blackheads

How Baking Soda Work in Removing Blackheads? Baking soda is a natural ingredient without containing any harsh chemicals. It works to unclog the pores of the skin to prevent the blackheads formation. It works to make the skin smooth…

Baking Soda and Lemon for Face and Teeth

Do you believe that baking soda is effective in whitening the teeth? Yes, it is true that baking soda is very useful to brighten the teeth. The chemical composition of sodium bicarbonate makes it mildly abrasive, this property of the baking…

Baking Soda Dog Deodorizer

This affordable and the common household ingredient can be used for many house cleaning things but now we’ll discuss that how we can use it to eliminate pet odors. It is a natural deodorizer that is free of any harsh chemicals. The applying…

Is Baking Powder and Baking Soda the Same Thing?

Baking Soda: There is only one ingredient in baking soda and that is sodium bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate is a base and it reacts when it comes into contact with any acids, like vinegar, yogurt or buttermilk. This reaction when occurs…

Baking Soda Kill Roaches

Baking soda is a commonly used kitchen ingredient that is used in making pastries, bread, cakes and in different baking tasks. It is also popular to whiten teeth with it, for canker sore,  sore throat, and different health as well as…

Baking Soda and Coconut Oil for Dandruff

Baking soda is the best home remedy that is used effectively for the treatment of dandruff and other hair problems. Here are some of the properties of baking soda that works to treat dandruff. This natural ingredient has an amazing…

Baking Soda Face Wash DIY

As you know that baking soda is being used for many purposes and there are countless DIY recipes that contain baking soda in it. But today, we are going to make you surprise with the magical use of baking soda is the preparation of a DIY…