Baking Soda Uses and DIY Home Remedies.

Baking Soda Recipes for Health

Sodium Carbonate with another name baking soda is a very useful ingredient. It is a base and has alkaline properties. It is proven as a useful cleaner, antibacterial and an effective product for various problems. Baking soda is used in different beauty remedies, cleaning recipes but it is also best to bring the cure to different health issues. You can relieve heartburn, can treat a sore throat, use for losing weight, and reduces inflammation. This natural kitchen staple is best to add shine to your hair, nails, and teeth with it. It is possible to treat kidney stone infection, canker sore, jock itch and make a deodorant with baking soda.  Here we have collected some useful baking soda health recipes that will definitely bring the cure to your different health problems.

Baking Soda for Healthy Living:

Maintain a healthy living with this simple baking soda remedy. It will reduce inflammation; treat heartburn, and stomach gas, chest infection as well.

Baking Soda for Heartburn:

Heartburn is the condition that causes because of an acidic stomach. Simply relive this burning condition at home with this useful baking soda remedy.

Baking Soda for Cracked feet:

Dry feet always destroy our beautiful look and painful as well. So let’s treat them with a simple baking soda remedy.

Baking Soda to Whiten your Teeth:

Using toothpaste only for the proper care of teeth is not enough. You need something more than it.  Baking soda is very effective to use for stronger, and whiten teeth that makes you smile.

Baking Soda Compress for Treating Poison Ivy Burns:

To treat the oozing blisters of the skin with baking soda, we need to use it in simple paste form. This remedy will bring a cure for you from the poisonous ivy burns.

Baking Soda for the Proper Treatment of Canker Sores:

Let’s prepare an effective baking soda solution for the treatment of canker sore. This amazing application will aid in neutralizing the acid reaction and thereby ease the pain.

Baking Soda to Quit Smoking:

Smoking is bad for health, quitting it is not an easy task but this baking soda remedy will help you to turn back to a healthy lifestyle.

Baking Soda Jock Itch Remedy:

It is a fungal infection on the skin that causes itching, burning and peeling skin. Treat this skin problem with this effective baking soda remedy.

Baking Soda Bath for Eczema:

Make the amazing use of baking soda to treat eczema. This home remedy will relieve the itching by making a balance in the pH level of the body.

Baking Soda for Nails Growth:

Are you in search of a useful baking soda remedy for beautiful, long, healthy and shining nails? Just grab out this given below one. It’s a magical solution to your all nails problems.

Baking Soda to Treat Kidney Stone Infection:

No doubt, using different antibiotics can relieve the kidney stone infection but there is a simple baking soda remedy that will cure your infection and make you feel healthy.

Baking Soda Deodorant:

It’s a natural DIY baking soda remedy that is useful and simply inexpensive. And the best thing is that it is free of chemicals.

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