Baking Soda Uses and DIY Home Remedies.

Baking Soda for Teeth Whitening

Teeth-Whitening with baking soda

Do you believe that baking soda is effective in whitening the teeth? Yes, it is true that baking soda is very useful to brighten the teeth. The chemical composition of sodium bicarbonate makes it mildly abrasive, this property of the baking soda helps in removing stains from the teeth.

So let have a look at the different useful ways of using baking soda for the teeth whitening. These surprising home remedies will definitely deliver you the best results.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda:

Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial and acidic properties that work in eliminating the microbes of the mouth as well as useful in removing the dark stains and makes the teeth stronger while the baking soda has abrasive properties that help in whitening your teeth.

Things we will need

Method of Preparation and Usage

Baking Soda and Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is very effective in whitening the teeth and it has many oral benefits. This natural oil contains medium-chain fatty acids that have antimicrobial properties in it. These antimicrobial properties will help you to get rid of oral microbes. Adding the coconut oil with baking soda will help in brightening the teeth and make it healthier and shinier for you. So simply get rid of yellowish and dull teeth with this baking soda home remedy.

Things we will need:

Method of Preparation and Usage

Lemon Juice and Baking Soda:

Lemon is a good bleaching agent because of the great source of citric acid in it. Using lemon with baking soda always appears an ideal option for the whitening of the teeth.

Things we will need:

Method of Preparation and Usage

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