Flatulence or stomach gas occurs because of the certain gases in the intestine that mostly caused due to not proper digestion of food. Some of the main causes of gas in the stomach are too much drinking or eating digestive disorder, not chewing the food properly, consuming gas forming and spicy food stress, constipation, some bacterial infections, etc. Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda is one of the effective home remedies for gas. Its natural form makes all the gas related issues resolved and the best thing is that it is easily available all around the world.
Is Baking Soda Really Works on Stomach Gas and How?
- When we take baking soda internally it gets mixed with the hydrochloric acid then it increases the carbon dioxide along with forming water and sodium chloride that emboldens us to burp.
- Sodium bicarbonate acts as a natural antacid and helps in neutralizing the stomach acids and gives proper relief from the gas.
- The soothing and the anti-inflammatory properties of the baking soda soothe the irritated digestive tract and deliver us relief from the gas pain and gas.
Relieving Stomach Gas with Baking Soda Remedies:
Lemon with Baking Soda
Lemon is rich in vitamin C that helps in the proper digestion of food and this method of digestion aids in neutralizing the stomach gases by working as an effective antacid. The combination of baking soda and lemon produces carbon dioxide that is the natural digestive aid.
Things we will need + Method
- Take 1/2 lemon and squeeze its juice in 1 glass of cold water.
- Now add ½ to 2 baking soda teaspoon to it and mix it.
- You can also add 1 pinch of salt in the solution.
- The mixture will fizz.
- Drink the prepared solution slowly.
- You can easily continue repeating the process whenever you suffer from stomach gas.
Baking Soda for Stomach Gas
The recommended quantity of the baking soda will help in reducing the amount of stomach acid and thus gives you relief from any gas pain, bloating or gas.
Things we will need + Method
- This baking soda remedy will give immediate relief from the stomach gas.
- Take 1 glass of water and add 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in it. It will be good to use warm water.
- Stir the mixture completely and drink this glass of water on an empty stomach.
- You can easily continue repeating the process whenever you suffer from stomach gas.
Don’t use the extra quantity of baking soda more than the recommended one.